How do I import absences

SMB provides a simple tool to bulk import absence records for employees – which is particularly useful when setting up the system for the first time or migrating data from a third party application. This process works in the same way as other bulk import tools in SMB where you we provide a simple spreadsheet to populate, which is then loaded into the system and processed.

To begin the process, click on the “Administration” option on the main menu, then select “Import Absences” from the “Absence/Sickness Administration” panel.

On the page shown, click on the link at the top of the page to download the spreadsheet and populate it with your data. Do not remove any columns or rows from the spreadsheet and note that the processing starts on row 4, underneath the sample row.

The spreadsheet must be filled out in this way:

  • Column A: The employee’s full first name
  • Column B: The employees surname
  • Column C:  The type of absence being recorded. This can be “Holiday” for a standard holiday absence or be the name of any absence type defined in SMB.
  • Column D/E: The start and end dates and times for the absence. These columns should contain the start and end date for the absence and the start and end times, to allow SMB to calculate the duration of the absence correctly
  • Column F: Comments. This optional column allows you to record a comment to be stored against the absence record.

Once the spreadsheet has been completed, return to the “Import Absences” page and use the “Document” file upload control to select and upload the spreadsheet, then click “Import Absences” to continue. At this point SMB will check the spreadsheet for any errors (such as invalid dates or employee names spelt incorrectly). If any errors are found, SMB will identify the rows where these were found and the import process will stop, otherwise you will be told how many records are going to be imported. At this step you can click the button shown to complete the import process.

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