How to set approvers manually for an individual employee

SMB’s highly flexible permission system allows you to quickly and simply assign an approver to a group of employees, approving all users within a given team, location or department. There may be times, however, where you wish to change the approver list for a specific employee or prevent an approver from approving requests from one member of the group(s) they have rights to manage.

To change the list of approvers for a specific employee, first navigate to the employee’s record from the “Employees” option on the main menu. At the bottom of the dashboard, in their “Request Approvers” panel, you will see all users currently set to approve the different types of request for that employee. To amend this list, simply click on the “Manage Approvers” button.

On the page shown, you will see every user in the SMB system with approval rights or greater, with checkboxes to denote if they can approve absences, change of details, expenses and training requests for the selected employee. By default, these options are selected based on the permissions assigned to those individual approver and administrator users.

At this stage, you can remove approval rights over the employee only by unchecking the relevant boxes, or provide approval rights by checking unchecked boxes. Clicking on the “Save Changes” button stores the updated list and returns you to the employee’s dashboard, where you can confirm that the list of approvers has been amended in line with your instructions.

If you want to revert the changes made at any point, you can click the “Clear Modifications” button on the Manage Approvers page, which will clear any changes you have made and return the list to where it began, based solely on the permissions assigned to those users.

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