How do I add my company logo to SMB

If you wish, you may add your own logo to the SMB login page and header bar. To do this, all you need to do is open the settings menu by clicking on your name in the top-right corner of the screen and select the "Company Logo" option.

When the "Update Logo" page is shown, use the "File" box to select an image file from your local computer to upload to the system.

If you wish to show the logo on the SMB login page, check the "Show on Login Page" option. If showing on the login page, you may also optionally change the background colour of the page to match you logo by selecting the "Change logo colour" checkbox and selecting/entering the required background colour.

Note: This change will only be shown during login after the company tag has been entered.

Finally, click the "Update Logo" button to upload the image to SMB.

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