How do I manage the list of Applicant Status Options?


By default, applicants in the Recruitment module can have one of three status options set – Active, Hired or Rejected.

To aid with the recruitment process, you can define additional custom status options to be applied to applicants, which can be set when adding an applicant or editing an applicant’s details, or changed by the outcome of a custom recruitment task.

To add a new option, first click on the “Administration” option on the main menu, then click on the “Applicant Status” link in the “Recruitment Administration” panel.

When the table of current options is shown, click on the “Add A New Applicant Status” link at the top of the page, and enter the name of the new option in the dialog box shown. If required, you can select this option as the default to apply to new applicants by checking the checkbox. Finally, click the “Add Status” button to create the new option.

To edit an existing option, click on the “Edit” button alongside its name and update the title, or to delete an option, click on the “Delete” button and confirm the action in the confirmation dialog box shown.

Note: If the status is currently being used by an applicant, it cannot be deleted. This is to ensure data integrity for current records.

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