SMB Updates - November 2019

Welcome to this month's update news, highlighting the new functionality we have brought to the SMB platform this month.

Firstly, a massive thanks to all clients for your ongoing feedback, comments and suggestions. They all help us continue to make SMB the most powerful and efficient HR management tool for small businesses.

So, here's a rundown of the updates for November 2019:

  • Repeating Absences
    For scenarios where employees have absences that fall on the same days each week/month, such as working at home every Tuesday, you can now setup repeating absence records that automatically populate multiple absence records

  • Noticeboard attachments
    As an update to the Noticeboard functionality, you may now upload and attach files to notices. In addition, if you are emailing notices to employees, those files can be added to the emails as an attachment

  •  Self Auto Approval of Holiday Requests
    Enhancing the existing automatic approval functionality, you can now set holiday requests to automatically approve in cases where the person making the request has permissions to approve their own requests

  • Competency Framework Required Levels
    Extending the Competencies module, you can now set required levels for all competencies within frameworks and track employees against those required levels. 

  • Holiday Period Sickness Allocation
    When setting sickness allocation for employees, you may now assign the allocation in line with the employee's Holiday year

  • Types of absence to show on published calendars
    We have extended the functionality for the company absence calendar by allowing you to now not only select which types of absence should be shown to employees on the holiday calendar, but also which types should simply be shown as "Absent". This was previously a global setting

We have lots of ideas and plans for the system moving forward, and of course look forward to continuing to hear all of your great suggestions!

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