Repeating Absences

If you have a situation where employees are planning to be absent on a regular schedule – for example, an employee who works at home every Wednesday – you can create a repeating absence record. This function allows you to define an absence record and specify either which days of the week or which days of the month between two defined dates the absence should occur. Once created, the system will then automatically create linked absence records based on your settings.

Adding a Repeating Absence
To add a repeating absence to an employee, first select the “Absences” option from the large employee menu within the employee’s record, then click on the “Repeating Absences” link at the top of the page.

The system will then show a table of all repeating absences created for that employee. Click on the “Add Repeating Absence” link at the top of the page.

On the form shown, first enter a descriptive title for the absence, select the type of absence you wish to record, the start and end times for the absence and whether the absence should impact the employee’s allocations if applicable.

Next, select the start and end dates you wish the absence to repeat between. If you want the absence to repeat indefinitely, check the “This absence repeats indefinitely” checkbox.

Note: If the absence does not have an end date, the system will automatically create absence records up to the end of any defined holiday periods for the employee. As future holiday periods are added, the repeating absences for those periods will be automatically created.

Then, select either the days of the week you wish the absence to occur or, if the absence should happen on specific days of the month, change the “Repeat Mode” dropdown to “Monthly on specified days” and select the days of the month for the absence.

Finally, click the “Add” button to store the record and create the repeating absence records.

Editing a Repeating Absence

To edit a repeating absence, select “Absences” from the large employee menu within the employee’s record and then click on the “Repeating Absences” link at the top of the page.

The next page will then show a list of all currently created repeating absence records. Click on the “Edit” button for the record you wish to edit.

You will then be shown a form detailing the repeating absence. On this page you are only able to change the start and end dates for the absence, but will not be able to change the type or times for the absence. This is to ensure that any individual absences that were created and subsequently deleted or amended are not overwritten by the repeating absence record.

If you wish to change the times and/or type of the repeating absence, you must first delete the existing repeating absence records and create a new entry.

Once you have changed the start and/or end times for the repeating absence, submitting the form will automatically update the repeating absences as required.

Deleting a Repeating Absence

To delete a repeating absence, select “Absences” from the large employee menu within the employee’s record and then click on the “Repeating Absences” link at the top of the page.

The next page will then show a list of all currently created repeating absence records. Click on the “Delete” button for the record you wish to delete.

You will then be shown a confirmation page where you are asked to confirm that you wish to delete the repeating absence record. If you wish to remove the record but leave the existing absences in place on the employee’s calendar, you can do so by checking the “Delete this record only” checkbox before submitting the form.

Deleting a single absence from a Repeating Absence pattern

If you wish to delete a single absence created by a repeating absence, you can do this by going to the employee’s absence calendar and clicking on the absence you wish to remove. On the “Edit Absence” page which is then shown, you can click the “Delete” button to remove the absence.

The confirmation box that is then shown will inform you that this absence is part of a series and offer you the choice of deleting only the selected absence or deleting all absences in the series. Deleting all absences will also remove the Repeating Absence entry for the employee.

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