How to I delete or archive an employee form template

If you no longer require an employee form template, you can remove it from use in the system. If the template has not been used on any employee records, you can delete the form, otherwise you can archive the template to hide it from the rest of the system.

To do this, select the “Administration” option on the main menu, then select the “Employee Form Templates” option.

In the table shown, each template will be shown with either a “Delete” or an “Archive” button, depending on whether the form has been assigned to employees. Selecting the button displayed will show a confirmation panel, where you are asked to confirm you wish to delete or archive the template. Confirming at this stage removes the template from active use.

If the template has been archived, you can still view it by clicking on the “Manage Archived Templates” link at the top of the page. From here, you can activate the template again by clicking on the “Make Live” button and confirming the choice in the dialog box that is shown.

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