How do I assign a form to an employee?

To assign a form for an employee to complete, start by going to the employee’s record from the “Employees” option on the main menu. Once on the employee’s dashboard, click on the “Documents” pod in the menu, and then on the “Forms” link at the top of the page. Finally, click on the “Add New Form” link at the top of the page shown.

On the form that is displayed, give the new form a title and provide any instructions for the employee. Then, select the template you wish to assign to the employee.

If the form is a single stage form, for only the employee to complete, a date control will appear where you can set the due date for the form to be completed.

If the form has multiple stages, controls will be shown where you can select which employee you wish to complete each stage and the date by which you would like each stage completed.

Finally, clicking the “Add Form” button creates the new form and assigns it to the employee (or in the case of multiple stage forms, assigns it to the employee set to complete the first stage. As each stage is completed, the form is then automatically assigned to the next employee selected in turn.)

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