Document Per-Type Access

By default, any admin user with access to view employee documents is able to see all documents within an employee’s “Documents” area, apart from those that have been explicitly excluded through the use of an Access Control List.

SMB allows for a more granular approach to document access called Per-Type Access, where an individual administrator with access to employee documents can be restricted to only being able to see documents of a specific type. For example, you may have created a document type in Administration > Document Types for financial documents. This functionality allows you to restrict which admin users are able to access documents of this type across the system without needing to create access controls for each individual document.

To enable or disable Per-Type access, click on the “Administration” option on the main menu, then click on the “Document Access Settings” link in the “Communication/Documents Administration” panel.

On the page shown, scroll down to the “Per Type Access Permissions” panel to view the current settings. The first setting, “Active?” allows you to enable or disable the Per-Type access permissions across the system, while the second setting, “Admin Access”, lists all admin users in the system with access to employee documents, with a list of checkboxes where you can select which types of document each admin user should be able to view.

Important: These settings only relate to documents that have been saved with a document type. Any documents that are not saved with a type will still be available to all admin users with access to employee documents.

To enable Per-Type access, first change the “Active” setting to “Per type access is active”, then review the list of admin users and available types to ensure the correct access has been setup before clicking on the “Save Settings” button to store the changes.

Note: If per-type access is not enabled, the document type checkboxes against each admin user will have no effect, and admin users will be able to view all documents as normal.

One other change you will notice when per-type access is enabled is you are able to amend the document types an admin user has access to when editing their permissions directly, as well as when adding or hiring an employee. In the list of employee permissions, individual document types will be listed alongside the “Can access employee documents” permission on those screens.

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