How do I remove an individual public holiday from an employee?

As part of SMB’s absence allocation calculation, employees have public holidays automatically booked as absence if their working hour pattern has this option selected. While this is a convenient method of managing public holidays in most scenarios, there may be times where an individual employee does not take a specific public holiday as a paid holiday day, for example when an employee works an overtime day on a day that would normally be a public holiday.

As SMB’s allocation management uses the public holidays to determine the amount of bookable holiday an employee has, you can amend which public holidays should be attributed to an employee from their “Edit Allocation” page. For employees who’s allocation is set as a total amount including public holidays, this would result in them receiving an additional pro-rated day of bookable holiday for each public holiday that is removed from them, ensuring they have the same total amount of allocation.

To view and amend the public holidays for an employee, first navigate to their record from the “Employees” option on the main menu and then click on the “View/Edit Allocation” button on their dashboard, in the “Absence Allocation” panel.

At the top of the page, just beneath the basic allocation info, you will find a section called “Public Holidays”, that will detail how many public holidays of the total for the selected holiday year have been excluded. Clicking on the “Manage” button directs you to the “Manage Public Holidays” page for the selected employee and year.

The list of checkboxes details the bank holidays for the employee that have been assigned based on their working hour pattern – all holidays with their checkbox ticked are those which the system is currently booking off as absence. To exclude one or more holidays, simply uncheck the relevant box(es) and click the “Update” button at the bottom of the form to save the changes. The system will then recalculate the allocation with the reduced (or increased) number of holidays.

Note: If the employee’s base allocation has been set as a total inclusive of public holidays, the amount of bookable holiday will be adjusted to reflect the change. However, if the employee’s allocation has been set to a base amount excluding public holidays, then the bookable holiday will not change – only the number of public holidays will be affected, so you may need to adjust the base amount to ensure the employee is getting their correct holiday entitlement.

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