How do I generate a recruitment document for an applicant?

To create a document from a template for an applicant, first navigate to the applicant’s record from the “Recruitment” option on the main menu, then select “Documents” from menu at the top of the page.

When the documents page is shown, click on the “Generate Document” link above the list of documents at the bottom of the page to start the generation process.
At the top of the page shown you can select the template you wish to use for generating the document and the format you would like the generated document to be produced in. You can download a quick preview of the document by clicking on the “Download Preview” link to check the content of the document.
Next, if the template has any mapped fields set to “Free Text”, these are shown in a “Merge Fields” panel, where you can enter values for each of the mapped fields.

Once those are complete, you can then decide what you want to do with the document. Enter a friendly name for the file and then select whether you want to add the document to the applicant’s document library. You may also email a copy of the document to the applicant by checking the “Email a copy to applicant” checkbox and entering a short message, which will be included on the email sent to the applicant.

Finally, clicking “Generate Document” creates the file and stores/emails it in line with your settings.

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