How do I add a template document to be used when generating employee documents?

To add a template document for generation, first prepare the document with the relevant tags, using square brackets to denote the areas that SMB should replace with employee data. For example, a letter to inform an employee of a change in working time might read:

This letter is to confirm that your working time for [DAY OF THE WEEK] is changing from [CURRENT HOURS] to [NEW HOURS] as of [NEW WORKING DATE].
Best regards

You can prepare documents in either Microsoft Word .DOCX format or Rich Text .RTF format.

Once your document is prepared, click on the “Administration” link on the main menu, then select “Document Templates” from the “Communications/Documents Administration” panel. When the template list screen appears, click on the “Add New Template” link at the top of the page.

On the Add Document Template page, use the file control to locate the template on your local computer and enter a friendly name for the document template. Finally, select the type of template (Employee, Disciplinary or Recruitment) you are creating and click “Process Document”.

The system will then upload the file and scan it for any tags wrapped in square brackets. Once all have been located, you will then be shown a list of all of the tags found, with a dropdown list alongside each one where you can select what kind of information should be used to replace the tag when the document is generated. 

Note: The “Free text” option denotes custom information that will be provided at the point the document is generated.
When you have mapped all of the tags, click on the “Save Template” button at the bottom of the page to store the template.

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