How can I give read-only access to employee records?

There may be times you wish to give a user access to employee information, but not rights to change or amend any of the information within that record. This can be done by setting them up as a read-only administrator.

To do this, navigate to the employee’s record from the “Employees” option on the main menu, then either click on the “Edit Details” button on their dashboard or open the large employee menu and select “Edit”.

When the employee details page appears, scroll down to the “Login and Access” panel at the bottom of the form. Here, select “Full HR Admin” as the permission type, and select the employee areas you wish them to be able to view, along with the groups of employees you are providing access to. Ensure you have checked the box marked “Read Only Access” and submit the form. The user will then be able to view the areas of the employee records you have provided access to, but will not be able to add, edit or delete any information.

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