How do I edit an employee goal’s details?

To edit the details of an employee’s goal, select the “Employees” link from the main menu, then navigate to the employee whom you wish to manage. Select the “View” button alongside the relevant employee and, when you are shown the View Employee page, open the Employee Menu by clicking on the arrow on the right-hand side of the menu and select the “Appraisals” option.

Select the “View” button alongside the required appraisal, then click on the “View Appraisal Goals” button to view the goals for this employee and click the “Edit Details” button to view the goal information.

On the form shown, you may change the title of the goal, assign it to a different appraisal if needed and update the review date for the goal. You may optionally assign alerts to the employee and administrators to remind them of the goal review date (or remove any existing alerts by deselecting the relevant checkboxes).

Clicking “Update” at the bottom of the page stores your changes.

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