How do I add a new appraisal?

To add a new appraisal record, navigate to the employee record for the employee you wish to create the appraisal for from the “Employees” option on the main menu. Then, open the large employee menu at the top of the page and select "Performance".

To add a new appraisal, click on the “Add New Appraisal” link at the top of the page. Then, on the form presented, enter a title for the appraisal, the date the appraisal is due to take place, the type and current status of the appraisal and any notes relating to the appraisal record.

If the appraisal relates to a previous appraisal, you may select this from the “Follow On” dropdown list, to provide easy access between linked appraisals.

Finally, click the “Save” button to store the details of the new appraisal.

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