How do I change how SMB calculates absence duration?

When an employee whose absence is being tracked in days requests an absence of less than a day, SMB will automatically calculate the absence rounded up to the nearest quarter day. However, some clients may wish to only track in half days or to even greater granularity.

In the Administration section, you can define how these absences should be calculated by opening the “Absence Calculation and Rounding Settings” option in the “Holiday and Absence” panel.

On this form, you have two options:

Fraction Size: The smallest amount of time you wish to calculate an absence to. This can be half days, quarter days or eighths of a day.

Rounding Method: This option allows you to tell SMB how you would like to calculate absences that don’t exactly fit to the selected fractions. The options allow you to round up to the next whole fraction, round down to the previous whole fraction or round up or down to the nearest whole fraction.

For example, if an employee who works an 8 hour day makes a request for a 5 hour absence, this would be calculated:

  • If the settings are set to a fraction size of half a day and the rounding mode is set to round to the nearest fraction, this absence would be recorded as a half day.
  • If the settings are set to a fraction size of a quarter day and the rounding mode is set to round up to the next fraction, this would be treated as three quarters of a day
  • If the settings are set to a fraction size of a quarter day and the rounding mode is set to round to the nearest fraction, this absence would be recorded as a half day (as 5 hours is closer to one-half day than three-quarter day).

Note: Changes made to these settings will not affect any absences already recorded in the system.

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