How can I change an employee’s sickness allocation from hours to days?

If you wish to change the way an employee’s sickness is recorded in the system (from days to hours or vice versa), first navigate to the employee’s record from the Employees option on the main menu, then open the large Employee Menu at the top of the page and select “Absences”.

When the absence centre opens, click on the “View Sickness Allocation” link at the top of the page. On the page that is displayed, the current method is shown at the top of the page. Click on the “Change Sickness Tracking” button to change the method and a page is shown with the new method highlighted and a table where you can update the sickness allocation for the new method. Once you’ve confirmed that the new allocation is correct, click “Change Tracking” to apply the change.

You can confirm that the change has been applied by then clicking on the “View Employee” link at the top of the page to return to the employee’s dashboard. The “Sickness Allocation” value in the “Absence Allocation” panel will display the current tracking information.


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