To add a bulk absence, go to the Administration section from the main menu, then select the “Bulk Absences” option in the “Holiday and Absence” panel. A page is then shown showing all currently created bulk absence records.
Clicking on the “Add Bulk Absence” link at the top of the page opens the “Add Bulk Absence” form. On this form, enter a title for the absence, the start and end dates for the absence and any notes you wish to display with the absence record. If you wish the absence to not affect employee allocations, simply check the "Affects Allocation" checkbox.
Finally, select the employees you wish the absence to be applied to. You can either do this by selecting the “Set by employees” option in the “Set By” list and selecting the individual employees to assign the absence to or, if you wish to assign by group, change the “Set By” option to “Set By Group” and select the teams, locations and departments you want to apply the absence to. Clicking the “Add” button at the bottom of the form adds the new absence record to the affected employees.