How do I set up an approver or administrator?

By default, employees only have access to view their own details. If you want to make someone an approver (someone who can approve requests from employees) or an administrator (someone who can manage some or all of an employee's record), you'll need to setup their permissions.

To do this, navigate to the employee's record from the Employees option on the menu menu, then click on the "Login and Access" button, found in the "Access Details" panel on the dashboard.

In the first drop down list - HR Access - start by selecting the level of access you want them to have. The options then shown will differ depending on whether you have selected Approver or Administrator, but they function in the same way.

Firstly, you'll need to define the level of access you want them to have. When setting an Approver, you can select the type of requests they can approve and the teams, locations and departments they have rights to approve. You may also select that they can only approve requests from their direct reports.

When setting up an administrator, you can select the areas of the employee record you want them to be able to access, along with any other areas of the system you want them to be able to use, such as reporting. Once you have specified the scope of their access, you can then select which teams, locations and departments they can manage and whether they can approve requests for each group.

Important: When setting up admin access, the administrator must be able to manage any group they can approve requests for and must have access to the parts of the employee record you are giving them approval permission for (for example, they must be able to manage employee absences in order to be able to approve absences). If you select the approval options for a group but not the "Can Manage" checkbox, the option to manage the group is automatically selected when you submit the form 

You can also specify at this point whether they can approve their own requests, should they happen to exist in any of the teams, locations or departments you've selected for them.

The second option, Subscription Admin, is used to define users who have rights to manage the SMB subscription, view billing and increase the license level. This should only be given to the primary contact in the business.

Once you have them all setup, clicking the Update button at the bottom of the form stores the updated permissions, which will apply from the point the user next logs in.


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