How do I add a blackout period?

To add a blackout period to the system, open the Administration section and select “Blackout Periods” from the “Holiday and Absence” panel.
Then, use the “Add Blackout Period” link at the top of the page to add a new period.

When the form is displayed, enter a title for the period (this will be displayed to employees on their absence calendar) and the start and end dates for the period.
If you wish the blackout to be mandatory – which means employees will be prevented from submitting requests that fall within this period, check the “Is Mandatory” checkbox, otherwise leave it blank and employees will be discouraged from submitting requests that fall within this period, but will still be able to generate a request for discretionary approval.

Finally, select the Locations, Departments and/or Teams the period should be applied to and click the “Add Blackout Period” button to store the new period.

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