How do I import multiple timesheet records?

You can add multiple timesheet records at a time in SMB by using our timesheet import functionality. Start by navigating to the employee’s record from the “Employees” option on the main menu, open the large Employee menu and select “Working Hours”, then “Timesheets” to access the employee’s current schedule.

At the top of the page, click on the “Import Timesheet Entries” link to access the timesheet importer. On this page, you may download a template spreadsheet to populate with the entries you wish to add to this employee’s account.

Starting at row 3, just under the example row, enter the date of the timesheet record you wish to create, then enter the start and end times for up to two shifts per day. If you only have one shift, leave the columns for the second shift blank, or the importer will not complete.

Save the spreadsheet, then use the “Browse” button to select the file from your local file system and click “Import Timesheet Entries” to start the import process. The system will first check the spreadsheet for any errors and, if any are found, it will tell you which rows contain errors and what needs to be done to correct them. Otherwise, the system will import and add the timesheet entries to the employee’s record, overwriting any records that already exist.

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