How do I create an allocation schedule?

To add a new allocation schedule, go to the “Administration” option on the main menu and select “Allocation/Carry Forward Schedules” from the “Holiday and Absence” panel. On the page that it then displayed, click on the “Add New Schedule” link at the top of the page.

A form is then shown, where you can enter a title and a description of the new schedule. You may also enter a date from which the schedule applies, meaning that any rules will only be applied to holiday years that start after the entered date (or you may leave this blank to apply to all holiday periods).

The dropdown list at the bottom of the page is used to tell the platform how to treat employee anniversaries that fall during the holiday period. If the option “Anniversary is before the start of the holiday year” then any additional days applied to an employee will be calculated based on the length of service as of their anniversary prior to the start of the holiday period.  If the option “Anniversary occurs during the holiday year” is selected, then additional days will be allocated based on the length of service during the holiday period.

Once you have setup the basic details, click “Add” to add the new schedule. The system will then create a new empty schedule and direct you to the Manage Allocation Schedule page. On this page, you may edit the details for the schedule by clicking the “Update Details” button.

At the bottom of the page are options to add Allocation and Carry Over Rules. These rules are used to calculate additional holiday allocation and the number of days to carry over.

To add a new allocation rule, click the “Add Allocation Rule” link, or to add a carry over rule, click the “Add Carry Over Rule” link. In both cases, you are presented with a form where you can specify the start anniversary and end anniversary that the rule should be applied to (or enter a zero in the start box to denote that the rule should be applied from the day the employee starts, or a zero in the end box to denote that the rule should apply until the employee leaves).

If you are adding an allocation rule, you can specify the number of additional days to be added each year that the rule covers, as well as a cap on the number of additional days. For example, if your organisation allocates an additional day of holiday for each year of service up to a maximum of 12 additional days, you would set “1” as the start year (to start from the first anniversary), “0” as the end year (to run forever), “1” for the number of additional days to add each year and “12” as the cap.

If this rule were applied to an employee who has been with the business for four years, they would receive 3 additional days holiday.

If you are adding a carry over rule, then the options work in the same way, although there isn’t a cap on carry over days. Instead, carry over days simply describes the maximum number of days that can be carried over from year to year. This does not accumulate over time – if you specify a carry over rule to run from employment start to employment end with 3 days carried over, then an employee could only carry over 3 days in any year. If required, you can also specify a number of months until the carried over allocation expires. For example, if you enter 3, then the employee will need to take the carried over holiday within the first three months of the holiday year. If it is not taken, or only partially taken, then any remaining carried over allocation will expire and be removed from the employee.

You can add carry over rules for any custom allocations you have setup in addition to holiday allocation. However, the expiry date is not taken into account for custom allocation types.

Note: The carry over calculation is performed automatically on the first day of each holiday period.


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