How do I add a company policy?

To add a policy, select “Administration” from the main menu, then select “Policies/Documents” from the administration page. On the page that is displayed, you will see a list of all policy and document categories you have created in the system. Policies and documents can be organised into a range of categories to make it easier for employees to locate the document they require.

On this page, select the “View” button for the category that best fits the policy you wish to add (or click on the “Add A New Category” link at the top of the page to create a new category). Once in the category, click on the “Add New Document” link at the top of the page to add the new policy.

On the page that is then displayed, enter a name and description for the document, check the “Enabled” box to make the document visible in the Policies section and use the “Browse” button to locate the policy file on your local machine.

You may optionally allow employees to download a copy of the policy by checking the “Downloadable” checkbox. If the box is unchecked, then the employee will only be able to view the document within SMB.

Next, select the groups you wish to make the policy available to by selecting the appropriate checkboxes and, if you require employees to sign the document, check the "Must Sign" checkboxes for the appropriate groups and enter the number of days that the employee has to sign the document.

Next, select the type of signature you wish to capture. This can either be a simple checkbox from the employee to mark the document as read, or if you require, you can request a online signature to be captured and stored with the document. This will present a box where the employee can draw their signature on screen and, once submitted, a copy of the document is created with their signature embedded and stored in their “Documents” area.

When the form is submitted, all employees who are required to sign the document will be notified that there is a document ready for them to sign, and the document will be shown in the "Policies" area with an alert to let the employee know they need to sign.

From this point forward, any employees added to the selected groups or teams will automatically inherit the signing requirements.

Finally, click “Add” to add the policy document.

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