How do I add a new absence type?

To add a new type of absence, select “Administration” from the main menu, then select the “Absence Types” option. On the page that is displayed, you may add a new absence type by clicking on the “Add A New Absence Type” link at the top of the page.

On the dialog box that appears, enter a name for the new absence type and select whether you would like this type to be recorded in days or hours. 

If you wish to provide an annual allocation for this type of absence, then check the box marked “Has Allocation” and enter the number of hours that would be assigned to a full time employee in any holiday year.

Finally, click the “Add” button to add the new absence type. If you have chosen to provide an annual allocation for this type of absence, then the allocation for all employees will be assigned at this point.

Note: When this new type is added to existing employees, their own allocation is calculated based on their working hours and start date, so part time employees will only receive a pro-rata number of hours or days.

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