To add a new notice, select “Administration” from the main menu, then select the “Noticeboard” option. On the page that is displayed, you may add a new notice by clicking on the “Add New New” link at the top of the page.
On the form that is presented, enter a title for the notice and enter the notice content in the large editor window.
Beneath that, set the issue and expiry date for the notice. The notice will only be visible to employees during those dates.
If you wish, you may also attach a document to the notice by clicking on the “Document” upload control and selecting a file from your local computer. By default, this document will be shown as a link on the noticeboard and, if required, you may also attach the document to any noticeboard emails generated by the system by checking the “Attach Document” checkbox at the bottom of the form.
If you would like employees affected by this notice to be informed by email that a new notice has gone live, check the "Email Notify" checkbox at the bottom of the page. If the notice is to go live immediately, then employees will be emailed immediately. Otherwise, they will be emailed on the day the notice goes live.
Finally, select the locations and/or departments to show the notice to, or select “All locations” or “All Divisions/Departments” to show the message to everyone and click “Add” to store the notice.