How do I reject an applicant?


To reject an applicant, select the “Recruitment” link from the main menu. On the Manage Vacancies page, click the “View” button for the vacancy you wish to manage.

On the Vacancy Tools menu, select the “Applicants” option to view the Applicants panel for the vacancy and click the “View” button alongside the applicant you wish to view, which will display the applicant’s dashboard.

Note: If the vacancy has been closed, the "Hire" and "Reject" buttons will not be shown. If you wish to hire an applicant after the vacancy has been marked as closed, you will need to first edit the vacancy details and change the status to "Open" before you are able to hire or reject an applicant.

Next, click the “Reject” button to open the “Reject Applicant” form. On this form, select the reason for rejecting the applicant if required and click “Reject Applicant” to mark the applicant as rejected. You may optionally send an email notification to the applicant by checking the checkbox on the form and, if required, include a personal message to be included in the email.

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