How can I add notes and documents to a vacancy?

To add notes or documents to a vacancy, select the “Recruitment” link from the main menu. On the Manage Vacancies page, click the “View” button for the vacancy you wish to manage.

On the Vacancy Tools menu, select the “Documents” option to view the stored notes and documents for the vacancy.

To add a note, click on the “Add New Note” link and enter the note information on the form shown before clicking “Add” to store the note.

To add a document, click on the “Add New Document” link above the table of current documents. On the form shown enter a name for the document and use the “Browse” button to locate the document on your computer.

If you would like the document to be shared with applicants for this vacancy, check the “Include document on application form” checkbox and optionally enter a short description of the document.

Finally, click the  “Add” button to upload and store the document.

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