How do I complete a check from my checklist?

To complete a check, select the “Employees” link from the main menu, then navigate to the employee whom you wish to manage. Select the “View” button alongside the relevant employee and, when you are shown the View Employee page, open the Employee Menu by clicking on the arrow on the right-hand side of the menu and select the “Checklist” option.

The page that is then displayed lists the checklists assigned against the employee. Clicking the "Checks" button takes you to a page where you can view the checks within a checklist, with a flag to denote whether they have been completed. If a check is incomplete, click on the “Record” button to record details of the check activity.

On the form that is shown, enter the date the check was performed, mark if the check is complete or not and record any notes relating to the task. If required, you may also upload a document to store against the check. Finally, click “Update” to store the check information.

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