If you have found a training course you would like to attend, you may request booking onto the course by going to the “My Training” option on the main menu, then selecting the “Request Training” link at the top of the page.
If the training course is a scheduled course from your company, then you can select it from the dropdown list at the top of the page. This will automatically populate the dates and other information for the course. If the course is an outside course, you may select the "New Course" item from the dropdown list and enter (as a minimum), the type of training, the title of the course and the start and end dates and times for the course. If you know any of the other information requested, then please enter it as well.
At the bottom of the page, a calendar view shows you who else is absent in your team, location or department to enable you to plan absence more effectively.
Once you have completed the form, click the “Add” button to create a training request which is then routed to your administrator for approval. Once it is approved, the course will be added to your training diary and you will be notified by email of the approval process outcome.