To add an absence or sickness record to an employee, select the “Employees” option from the main menu and navigate to the employee you wish to add the absence to. Click on the “View” button alongside the employee’s name to go to the View Employee page, then open the Employee Menu by selecting the arrow on the right-hand side of the menu bar. From the opened menu, select the “Absences” option.
When the absence calendar appears, click on the “Add Absence Record” link at the top of the page. On the form that is displayed, select the type of absence you are looking to record, and the sub type if applicable, then select the start and end dates for the absence.
Once you have entered the dates, click on the “Calculate Absence” button to calculate the total absence you are recording. The calculated value is then placed into the “Duration” textbox, which you may edit if required.
If the absence does not affect the employee’s annual allocation, then check the box marked “Affects Allocation” and enter any notes to describe the absence.
Finally, click “Add” to store the absence.