How do I reassign users on a multiple-stage appraisal form?

When assigning a multiple-stage form to an employee, you can decide who is responsible for completing each stage of the form. However, there may be times when you need to change a recipient – in the case of staff absence or sickness for example, or where the incorrect recipient was selected during the initial setup.

To change a recipient at any time, first navigate to the employees’ “Performance” module and click the “View” button for the appraisal record that contains the form, then click the “View” button for the assigned form.

On the page shown, you will see any submitted responses to date, and all other stages are shown with a message stating “Not yet submitted” and a “Reassign Stage” button. Clicking on that button will display a dialog box where you can select the user to assign the stage to.

Note: If the stage you are reassigning is the current one, there may be responses recorded by the current assignee that have not yet been submitted. Changing the assignment for these stages will result in any unsubmitted responses being deleted before the stage is reassigned.

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