How can I setup two-stage approval of holiday requests?

SMB allows for holiday requests to be countersigned by a second administrator or approver. For example, you may allow a line manager to approve a holiday request but require a more senior member of your organisation to also approve the request.

This functionality can be set by individual approver, and does not need to be company-wide, meaning that while line managers may require a second approval, senior or HR staff may not.

To turn on two-stage approvals for an approver, navigate to their record from the Employees option on the main menu, then click on the “Edit Details” button on their dashboard.

When the Edit Employee page is shown, scroll to the bottom of the form to update their permissions and check the box marked “Absence approvals require second approval”, then select the administrator or approver from the “Second Approver” list.

When the form is submitted, any future approvals made by this employee will automatically be routed to the selected employee for final sign off.

You can check that this has been set correctly by navigating to an employee that this approver would be responsible for from the Employees option on the main menu. Then, on the employee dashboard, check the “Request Approver For” panel to see the list of approvers for the employee. The approver who requires a second signature will show as their name, a right-pointing arrow and then the name of the final approver.

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