How to I edit an employee’s timesheet information?

To edit a timesheet for an employee, first navigate to their record from the Employees option on the main menu and select “Working Hours” from the large employee menu at the top of the page. When the Working Hours page is shown, click on the “Timesheets” link at the top of the page to view the timesheet calendar for the employee.

When the calendar is shown, navigate to the day you wish to add, edit or delete an entry. To add a new entry, click on the calendar at the start point of your new entry and drag with your mouse to the end point of your entry, or click on an existing entry to edit it. A pop-up window will appear where you can adjust the start and end time, select a project or client to attribute the time to and enter a short description of the work performed if required. Finally, click the “Add Entry” (if it is a new entry) or “Update Entry” if it is an existing record to save your changes.

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