How do I submit a timesheet for approval?

If your account requires approval for changes to timesheets, then you will notice as soon as you make a change to a timesheet that a panel is shown above the timesheet calendar to let you know you have unsubmitted timesheets. You do not need to submit a request each time you adjust the timesheets – instead, you can raise a single request to cover a number of timesheet changes.

To submit a request once you have completed recording your timesheet, click on the “Submit Timesheets” button above the calendar. On the form shown, you will see a full list of the changes made since your last submission. Select the days you wish to submit by checking the box alongside each date and enter any comments you wish to provide with the request before clicking the “Submit Request” button.

Any timesheet entries submitted will have their status changed from “Draft” to “Submitted” and can no longer be edited until the request is approved (at which point the entries become live timesheet records) or rejected (at which point the entries are return to draft.

Have more questions? Submit a request


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