How do I sign a document?

If you have had a document assigned to you for signing, this can be completed in two ways. The simplest is to go to the My Alerts section on the main menu and click on the “Go To Document” button. Alternatively, you can go to the “My Documents” option on the main menu and click on the “Sign” button alongside the document you wish to sign.

On the Sign Document page, first click on the “Download Document” button to download the file from SMB. This will need to be done before you can record you signature. If the document requires editing before signing, make the required updates offline and use the upload control on the page to select the edited file on your local drive.

Finally, in the “Sign” box, use your mouse (or finger/stylus if using a touchscreen) to draw your signature and click “Sign Document” to submit your signed file back to your administrator.

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