How can I restrict which administrators can view a document?

SMB allows for any kind of document to be stored against an employee record, and the flexible permissions module allows you to define which administrators have access to the “Documents” area of an employee’s record. However, there may be times when you want to make uploaded documents available only to designated administrators. You can achieve this by setting access control on individual documents.

To do this, go to the employee record for whom you wish to control a document and select the “Documents” option from the large employee menu. Then, click on the “Edit” button for the document you wish to control.

On the form shown, check the “Limit Access” checkbox at the bottom of the form and select the administrators you wish to be able to view this document, then click “Update” to save the changes.

Note: If you do not select any administrators, the form will not submit and instead will show a warning to let you know you have not allowed access to any administrators. If you do not select yourself as an administrator with access, you will not be able to view or edit the document once the form is submitted.

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