How do I assign a competency framework to an employee?

To assign a competency framework to an employee, navigate to their record from the Employees option on the main menu, then select “Performance” from the large employee menu.

When the performance module is shown, click on the “View Competencies” link at the top of the page to view any frameworks currently assigned to the employee, then click the “Add New Competency Framework” link at the top of the page.

On the form shown, select the framework to assign from the “Framework” dropdown list.

If the employee has already had a framework assigned to them that shares any competencies with this new framework, you can inherit the skill levels for those competencies already recorded by selecting the framework to inherit from in the “Inherit” dropdown list, or leave the setting as “Do not inherit” to assign the framework with no competencies graded.

Finally, click “Assign Framework” to attach the framework to the employee.

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