How do I setup different levels of competency?

To manage your list of skill levels, first go to Administration > Manage Competency Levels.

The form shown will list any levels already defined in the order they are displayed on framework pages. To add a new level, click on the “Add New Level” link at the top of the page and enter the details for the new level, then click “Add Level” to add the new level.

To edit an existing level, click on the “Edit” button alongside the level you wish to edit and update the details on the form shown, then click the “Edit Level” button to save the details.

To delete a skill level, click on the “Delete” button alongside the level you wish to remove, then confirm you wish to remove the level in the dialog box that appears.

NOTE: If the level has already been used in an employee record, you will not be able to delete the level.

To change the order in which the levels are shown, click on the “Change Level Order” link at the top of the page and use the “Level” dropdown alongside each level to mark which order they should be shown in (selecting “1” for the level that should be shown first, as the lowest level, then “2” for the next level to show all the way to the highest level attainable) and click “Change Order” to save the changes.

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