How do I create a competency framework?

To create a new competency framework, click on Administration on the main menu, then select the “Manage Competency Frameworks” option in the “Performance Administration” panel.

When the list of existing frameworks is shown, click on the “Add New Framework” option at the top of the page. In the Framework Details page, enter a title for the framework and enter any notes you want to record to describe the framework and click “Add Framework and Continue” to create the framework.

You will then be shown a blank framework. To begin, start adding sections to your framework to describe different functional areas you wish to manage. To do this, you can either add a new section to the framework by clicking on the “Add New Section” button and giving the section a title, or by clicking on the “Add Existing Section” button to add a section you have already created as part of another framework. If you are adding an existing section, then you can choose whether to add the existing section directly to the framework or add a copy of the section to the framework. If you are planning on editing the section once you have added it, then you will want to add a copy of the section, as adding the original will cause any changes made to the section to be replicated wherever this section is used.

Once you have added sections, you can add additional competencies to each section. To do this, you can either add a brand new competency by clicking on the “Add New Competency” button or add a link to an existing competency by clicking on the “Add Existing Competency” button.

When you have finished setting up the framework, click the “Back” button at the top of the page to return to the list of competency frameworks.

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