How do I publish a job vacancy for external applicants to apply directly?

To publish a job vacancy to enable applicants to apply directly for positions, go to the “Recruitment” section and click on the “View” button for the vacancy you wish to publish.

When the vacancy dashboard is shown, click on the “Publishing” option in the vacancy menu to start the publishing process.

On the page shown, there are a number of options you can set to define how this particular vacancy should display and act:

  • Go Live Date: This is the date the vacancy should be visible from. The vacancy application form will not be available to applicants before this date
  • Post Expiry Date: This is the date the form should expire and no longer be visible to applicants.
  • External/Internal Role: These two checkboxes allow you to determine whether the role should be available to applicants outside of the company using a unique link, available to current employees from the “Vacancies” option on the main menu or both.
  • Is Active: Check this box to mark the vacancy as published. Applicants will not be able to access this form without this box checked.
  • Notes: This optional field allows you to add additional information not found in the vacancy definition, if required.
  • Use CAPTCHA: Optionally, you may request that applicants have to enter a code shown in a graphic on screen when submitting their application. This simple step is used to prevent unauthorised users from spamming the system.
  • Show Expiry Date: Check this box to denote that the vacancy expiry date should be shown on the application form.
  • Include D.O.B/Include Gender/Include Nationality/Include Ethnicity: These checkboxes denote whether the applicant should be asked to provide their date of birth, gender, nationality or ethnicity on the application form.
  • Include Qualifications: This checkbox is used to denote whether any defined qualification requirements setup for the vacancy should be shown on the vacancy description
  • Required Files: If you require the applicant to provide one or more files as part of their application, you can specify the number of attachments you expect them to provide. The application form will then prevent the form from being submitted until that number of attachments has been provided. If you don't require files, or don't have an expected number of files, this field can be left as a zero.
  • Documents to show on application form: This list shows all vacancy documents uploaded in the “Documents” section of the vacancy, with checkboxes to denote whether applicants are able to download a copy of the document. Checking or unchecking any options on this list allows you to determine which documents, if any, should be available to all applicants.

Once you have setup the form, you can then select whether SMB should alert administrators when applications have been received and whether an alert should be raised each time an applicant applies or whether a single daily alert should be raised showing the number of applicants.

Once the settings have been defined, clicking “Save Settings” publishes the vacancy and returns the user to the vacancy dashboard page. When the application is published, a direct link to the vacancy is shown in the Vacancy Details panel on the dashboard.

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